The Brigend Theatre Market Square Dumfries DG2 7AE
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We welcome all keen performers, whatever your experience, to join in our productions. 

Main show auditions are open to anyone.  If you are selected for a part you will have to join the Company and pay your membership fee. 

Rehearsals for each new production generally start almost immediately after the previous show.  Therefore, if you are interested in joining the Company as a performing member, this is the best time to come along.  We arrange audition rehearsals for songs and encourage everyone to come along. 

For further information please contact us via our contact form.

DMTC Audition Process

The following minimum standards will be applied in each audition process:

  • Notification of Auditions will be given at least two weeks prior to them taking place. Notification will be given by email and by Notice at the Brigend Theatre.
  • Any persons wishing to audition must sign up prior to the auditions taking place either by notification by email or on the Notice posted in the Brigend Theatre.
  • When signing up, people wishing to audition must indicate which part or parts they intend to audition for
  • There will be two audition dates given to allow all persons who wish to audition the opportunity to do so. This will comprise of a principal date and a secondary one to accommodate persons unable to attend the principal date. If an individual is unable to attend either of the audition dates it will be deemed they are unable to audition for a principal part
  • The format will be at the discretion of the director and musical director (i.e. Closed or Open format).
  • The audition panel will consist of three members, the Director, the Musical Director and a representative of the committee who will not be auditioning for a principal role.
  • If there is more than one candidate suitable for any part, the casting committee reserves the right to recall any individual for a further audition.
  • Once the audition process is concluded notification will be made by personal contact at the Directors discretion. All auditioned, whether successful or not will be contacted prior to the cast list being made public by the Society
  • The decision of the audition panel is final. An auditionee may request feedback from the member who was representing the committee on the audition panel.
  • Please remember that this is an amateur company and that disappointment for not getting a part should not be directed towards the director or musical director!

DMTC would appreciate if members would not disclose their success or otherwise on social media sites prior to the cast list being made public by DMTC.

Here are a few websites that give advice on how to prepare for auditions:

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